Underwater Acoustics

The Technical Committee on Underwater Acoustics is concerned with both natural and anthropogenic sound and its generation underwater; and the propagation, reflection and scattering of sound in the underwater environment including the seabed and the sea surface.

Welcome to The ASA Underwater Acoustics Technical Committee

The Underwater Acoustics TC is focused on sound-wave phenomena in the ocean and seabed, with primary emphasis on the following topics:

  • Propagation phenomena: steady-state and transient solutions of the wave equation, including boundary effects, and seismoacoustics.
  • Scattering and reverberation: characterization and quantification.
  • Ambient noise: noise sources, spectra, directionality, and spatial/temporal fluctuations.
  • Signal processing and sonar algorithms, with emphasis on the detection of signals in noise and statistical analysis.
  • Underwater acoustic instrumentation.