Underwater Acoustics TC Student Representative
Natalie Kukshtel, MIT-WHOI Joint Program
Best Student Paper Award
The Underwater Acoustics Technical committee is one of several technical committees that offers a best student paper award to students who present papers at Society meetings. If you want your paper to be considered for an award, you must indicate this when you submit your abstract.
Award Amounts
For each of the Technical Committees granting awards, up to two awards will be presented to students presenting papers in sessions organized by the specific Technical Committee: $300 for first prize and $200 for second prize.
To qualify for each of these awards, the author must: Be enrolled as a student at least half time (graduates are eligible if the work being presented was performed as a student within one year of the meeting). Note that you do not need to be a member of the ASA to qualify. Be listed as the first author on the submitted abstract. Present the paper at the meeting. Submit a copy of the presentation materials or a written text to the copy center at the meeting, unless the paper is presented in a poster session (except for entries in Speech Communication and Underwater Acoustics).
The award winners will be selected by a subcommittee of each of the Technical Committees granting awards, based upon the quality of both the content of the paper and its presentation. The awards are usually announced after the close of the meeting.
All those who wish to participate in the competition for these awards must indicate their intention by putting the following statement at the bottom of the abstract submitted for the meeting: “For Underwater Acoustic Technical Committee Best Student Paper Award” Other Technical Committees that offer this award are: Acoustical Oceanography, Animal Bioacoustics, Biomedical Ultrasound/Bioresponse to Vibration, Engineering Acoustics, Musical Acoustics, Physical Acoustics, Speech Communication, Structural Acoustics and Vibration.
Most Recent Recipients
Virtual Meeting – Fall 2024
First Prize
Second Prize
Past Recipients
Virtual meeting – November 2024
First Prize
Second Prize
Ottawa, Ontario meeting – May 2024
First Prize
Second Prize
Sydney,Australia meeting – December 2023
First Prize
Second Prize
Chicago, IL meeting – May 2023
First Prize
Mark Kelly
Presentation Title: Ray tracing of long-range underwater acoustic vortex wave propagation
Second Prize
Hunter Akins
Presentation Title: Low signal-to-noise ratio localization exploiting through-the-sensor in situ environmental information
Nashville,TN meeting – November 2022
First Prize
Kirby Parnell
Presentation Title: The huaka‘i of Hawaiian monk seal Kekoa: Conservation through sound science
Second Prize
John Ragland
Presentation Title: Using distributed acoustic sensing for ocean ambient sound analysis
Denver, CO meeting – May 2019
First Prize
Second Prize
Seattle, WA meeting – November 2021
First Prize
Second Prize
Virtual meeting – May 2021
First Prize
Second Prize
Virtual meeting – November 2020
First Prize
Second Prize
No Meeting – May 2020
San Deigo, CA meeting – November 2019
First Prize
Second Prize
Louisville, KY meeting – May 2019
First Prize
Brandon M. Lee
Presentation Title: Machine learning methods for estimating probability density functions of transmission loss: robustness to source frequency and depth
Second Prize
Matthew C. Zeh
Presentation Title: Model-data comparison of sound propagation in a glacierized fjord with a variable ice top-boundary layer
Victoria, British Columbia meeting – November 2018
First Prize
Gabriel R. Venagas
Presentation Title: Geoacoustic properties of seagrass-bearing sediments
Second Prize
Alexander Scott Douglass
Presentation Title: Out-of-band beamforming in shallow water with horizontal arrays
Minneapolis, MN meeting – May 2018
First Prize
Blake Simon
Second Prize
Thomas Blanford
Victoria, British Columbia meeting – November 2018
First Prize
Gabriel R. Venagas
Presentation Title: Geoacoustic properties of seagrass-bearing sediments
Second Prize
Alexander Scott Douglass
Presentation Title: Out-of-band beamforming in shallow water with horizontal arrays
Boston, MA meeting – June 2017
First Prize
Brendan Nichols, Mech. Eng., Georgia Inst. of Technol.
Presentation Title: Relocating drifting sensor networks with ambient noise correlations
Second Prize
Aaron Gunderson, Phys. and Astronomy Dept., Washington State Univ.
Presentation Title: Kirchhoff approximation for scattering from solid spheres at flat interfaces: Improved description at large grazing angles
Honolulu, Hawaii meeting – November/December 2016
First Prize
Nikhil Mistry, Southampton University
Presentation Title: Enhanced target detection and classification using two-pulse sonar methods
Second Prize
Matthew Huber, Rhodes College
Presentation Title: Multi-parameter analysis of bladder mechanical properties using ultrasound bladder vibrometry
Salt Lake City, Utah meeting – May 2016
First Prize
Viktor Bollen
Second Prize
Michael Bianco
Jacksonville, Florida meeting – November 2015
Tied for First Prize
Dieter Bevans, University of California San Diego
Presentation Title: The exponential decay of underwater acoustic intensity with increasing altitude of low-frequency
Brian Worthmann, University of Michigan
Presentation Title: Interpretations of the frequency difference autoproduct in multipath environments
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania meeting – May 2015
First Prize
Christopher Verlinden, University of California San Diego
Presentation Title: Passive acoustic source localization using sources of opportunity
Indianapolis, Indiana meeting – October 2014
First Prize
Erin Fischell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Second Prize
Katherine Woolfe, Georgia Institute of Technology
Providence, Rhode Island meeting – May 2014
First Prize
Derek Olson, Pennsylvania State University
Second Prize
Anthony Bonomo, University of Texas at Austin
San Francisco, California meeting – December, 2013
First Prize Poster
Erin Fischell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Second Prize Poster
Sean Walstead, University of California San Diego
First Prize Talk
Katherine Woolfe, Georgia Institute of Technology
Second Prize Talk
Tao Lin, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Montreal, Canada meeting – June 2013
Tied for First Prize
Mingjie Ding, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Lanfranco Muzi, Portland State University
Kansas City, Missouri meeting – October 2012
First Prize
Sean Walstead, University of California San Diego
Presentation Title: Reconstructing surface wave profiles from reflected acoustic pulses
Second Prize
Wu-Jung Lee, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Presentation Title: Estimating numerical density of scatterers in monotype aggregations using the statistics of broadband echoes: Applications to fish echoes
Hong Kong, China meeting – May 2012
First Prize
Huikwan Kim, University of Rhode Island
Presentation Title: Longrange propagation modeling of offshore wind turbine noise using Finite Element and Parabolic Equation models
Second Prize
Menglu Xia, Zhejiang University
Presentation Title: Time reversal based channel tracking for underwater acoustic communications
San Diego, California meeting – October/November 2011
First Prize
Olivier Carriere
Presentation Title: Sequential geoacoustic inversion for mobile and compact source-receiver motion configuration
Second Prize
Craig Dolder
Presentation Title: Application of boundary layer suction for reducing hydrophone sensing noise
Cancun, Mexico meeting – November 2010
First Prize
Adam Metzler
Presentation Title: Scintillation statistics of broadband acoustic transmissions in the Gulf of Maine
Second Prize
Wu-jung Lee
Presentation Title: Analysis of mixed assemblages of fish using the statistics of echoes from a single beam broadband echosounder
Baltimore, Maryland meeting – April 2010
First Prize
Adam Metzler
Presentation Title: Improving the parabolic equation solution for problems involving poro-elastic media
Second Prize
David Dall’Osto
Presentation Title: Utilization of the pressure gradient along a sparse vertical line array to determine vertical arrival angle from partial reflections from a layered seabed
San Antonio, Texas meeting – October 2009
First Prize
Shima Hossein
Second Prize
Jon La Follet
Portland, Oregon meeting – May 2009
First Prize
Aubrey Espana
Presentation Title: Excitation of low frequency modes of solid cylinders by evanescent waves: Mode properties and coupling
Second Prize
Jorge Quijano
Presentation Title: Waveguide invariance for active sonar
Miami, Florida Meeting – November 2008
First Prize
Aubrey Espana
Presentation Title: Excitation of low frequency modes of solid cylinders by evanescent and ordinary propagating waves
Second Prize
Lin Wan
Presentation Title: Three-dimensional spatial coherence measurements: vertical, longitudinal/transverse horizontal coherence
Paris, France Meeting – June/July 2008
First Prize
Zachary Waters, Boston University
Presentation title: Laboratory investigations of the detection and characterization of buried target by iterative, single channel time reversal
Second Prize
Jon La Follett, Washington State University
Presentation title: Elastic and interfacial contributions to SAS images of titled metal cylinders: Laboratory experiments
New Orleans, Louisiana Meeting – November/December 2007
First Prize
Yaniv Brick, Tel Aviv University
Presentation title: Scattering analysis accelerated by a 3-D multilevel non-uniform grid field evaluation algorithm
Second Prize
Shawn Johnson, Applied Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University
Presentation title: Effect of resolution on synthetic aperture sonar image statistics
Salt Lake City, Utah Meeting – June 2007
First Prize
Philip Gillett, Virginia Tech
Presentation title: Advantages of using diffracting cylinders and spheres in acoustic arrays
Second Prize
Clair Debever, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Presentation title: Coherent-broadband, white noise constraint, matched-field processing
Honolulu, Hawaii Meeting – November/December 2006
First Prize
Claire Debever, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Presentation title: Higher frequency matched field processing
Second Prize
Andrew A. Ganse, University of Washington
Presentation title: Adapting results in filtering theory to inverse theory, to address the statistics of nonlinear geoacoustic inverse problems
Providence, Rhode Island Meeting – June 2006
First Prize
Kevin James, University of Michigan
Presentation title: Approximating acoustic field uncertainty in underwater sound channels
Second Prize
Jason D. Holmes, Boston University
Presentation title: Shallow water waveguide characterization using an autonomous underwater vehicle towed hydrophone array
Minneapolis, Minnesota Meeting – October 2005
First Prize
Weichang Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Presentation title: Identification of rapidly time-varying acoustic communication channels
Second Prize
Jason D. Holmes, Boston University
Presentation title: An autonomous underwater vehicle technique for in-situ waveguide characterization
Vancouver, Canada Meeting – May 2005
First Prize
Alexander O. MacGillivray, University of Victoria
Presentation title: An Acoustic modeling study of airgun noise from seismic surveys performed offshore British Columbia
Second Prize
Jie Yang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Presentation title: Influence of internal waves on vertical coherence of sound propagation in the East China Sea
San Diego, California Meeting – November 2004
First Prize
Elizabeth T. Kusel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Presentation title: A single-scattering solution that handles large contrasts across interfaces
Second Prize
Alexander O. MacGillivray, University of Victoria
Presentation title: An airgun array source signature model for environmental impact assessments
New York City, New York Meeting – May 2004
First Prize
Jed Wilber, Boston University
Presentation title: Development of a submersible baffled impedance tube for characterization of bubbly fluids
Second Prize
Shawn Johnson, Applied Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University
Presentation title: Resolution cell size effects on the statistics of seafloor backscatter
Austin, Texas Meeting – November 2003
First Prize
Geoff Edelmann, Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Presentation title: The stability of the time-reversal process in a fluctuating ocean
Second Prize
Donald Outing, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Presentation title: Geoacoustic characterization of a range dependent environment using towed array data